
Home / logiicdev

Finding a new way!


Logiicdev aims to enhance the quality of life for individuals worldwide, striving to contribute to a more advanced and technology-driven sustainable world.

Logiicdev is a forward-thinking and diverse Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) that offers a wide array of services as well as project management and consultancy.

Logiicdev creates innovative hardware solutions through design and manufacturing. We turn the impossible into industry-leading achievements, using cutting-edge design, transformative architecture, and novel technology to make electronics smaller, thinner, faster, and more efficient.

Additionally our expertise lies in customizing circuit board designs and layouts for analog, digital, and mixed signal boards for a range of electronic systems and applications. Whether you need a PCB layout for existing design schematics, or wish to optimize an existing design for cost-efficient assembly, we're here to help.

Our services include building new PCB designs, simulation, including stackup, post-production test and providing technology consulting to tackle any technical challenges. We work with a partner based in Graz for assembly as well.



The logiicdev team specializes in all types of simulation, including cell-level, package, co-simulation, signal integrity, power integrity, and verification of your analog/mixed-signal blocks.

AI Battery Management

AI Battery Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) is a method for validating your intended target application. logiicdev provides a virtual, real-time environment that mirrors your physical system and allows you to test control algorithms without using physical prototypes.

Project Coordination & Consultancy

Semiconductor technology is constantly advancing and clients require expert support to bridge the gap and boost their core business. To help our clients achieve their goals faster, logiicdev leverages its extensive experience and turns technical know-how into practical solutions.

Hi-Speed Power Electronics

GaN FETs switch much quicker than Silicon MOSFETs, leading to reduced switching losses. Our GaN solution can be applied to a variety of applications including battery management, fast high-current switching, transient load handling, controlled driving logic, and sensing receivers.


Our services are tailored to meet your unique needs thanks to logiicdev's expertise and adherence to industry best practices. While ASICs may appear to be a cost-effective option on a unit basis, they carry hidden expenses such as a NRE, expensive software tools, specialized design teams, and longer production lead times.

Verification and Validation

Accurate hardware is crucial to meeting your requirements. At logiicdev, we understand the costly consequences of redesigns, delays, and poor verification. With our expertise in mixed signals, high-speed technology, power modes, and programmability, we offer the optimal testing strategy.



A creative approach to problem vs solution, keeps logiicdev active.



You leverage our 22+ years of experience in hardware and software engineering.



To build, listening and communication is must. contact us to start the dialog.

Everything that matters to your success

Our goal is to create intelligent electronics for a connected world.

At logiicdev, we design battery management systems, AI-powered testing equipment, and FPGA solutions to meet the demands of green energy, efficient design, and responsible innovation in the industry.

Whether you're developing ICs or systems, the broad portfolio of our offerings enables you to select the model that fits your needs.

View our works
Finished projects

Satisfied clients

Winning awards

Including in 2022-ESA Space award


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Our Partners

Trusted by customers worldwide


Stories to share

2022 Summer Student

FFG Praktika: Internships give talented people older than 15 hands-on experience in science and technology. This can encourage them to study and work in the ...

Office & Lab

Motto is step by step: here you can see the Patented highly controlled modulation.

Pinta Bringup I

Dual-core processor for AI testing for Battery and WLC.  Statistics: No. Different components= 226  Total components on boards=1270 Number of Functionality covered=6  Test coverage done=40%

Pinta Bringup II

Full cycle of cc, cv mode. Pinta is now operating upto 9volts. Additionally the fast discharging logic is precisely working to mimic the load.

2023 Holiday Student

WHY Students, This blog discusses the benefits of holiday electronics jobs for students. Summer electronics jobs offer students valuable hands-on experience. Students can learn important ...

Get in touch

We will get back to you as soon as possible


    Krottendorfer Str. 72/1, 8052 Graz, Austria


    Mobile Number: +436764639222


    Support: contact@logiicdev.eu

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